Neighborhood Beautification Day!

SCHOA Beautification Day 2015 was a success!

Neighborhood volunteers gathered along the northeast corner of Puget Park Dr. (the south end of Tract B which is owned by the HOA) and cut back all the overgrowth from the greenbelt to make it safer and cleaner for people waking, biking, etc., towards Tucker Park. Ground growth and tree limbs were trimmed back, and all the debris was cleanred, then hauled it to Pacific Topsoils.

Thank you to all of those who helped!


Beautification Day 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014, 10am-noon

Many hands make for light and fast work! Bring your shovels, rakes, and gloves.

Plans for this beautification day include:

  • Edging beds on Sno-Cascade
  • Cleaning up litter
  • Dead-heading the rhodies

There will be a salad bar/pizza lunch at the Logan’s house at noon. Please rsvp so we can plan for lunch.


Beautification Day #1 – Saturday, June 7, 2014, 9am-noon

Goals included:

  • Planting laurels in the medians
  • Garbage hunt through trails
  • Cleaning mailboxes
  • Helping neighbors